Friends of the Library
Friends of the Ontario Community Library (Friends or FoL) is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to provide support to the Ontario Community Library and its programs, and to promote literacy in our local community.
Friends provide assistance for the library in a variety of ways including purchasing books, upgrading technology, and sponsoring or supporting activities. Some of the activities we are currently involved in are: Global Village Book Give-away, author visits, book/yard sale, community & kids literacy programs, National Library Week, the Summer and Winter Reading Program.
The Executive Board meets in regular meetings and work sessions, as needed 6-7 times per year September, October, November, February, March, April, and May). Meetings convene at 4:pm in the library meeting room. Meetings dates and times are published in the Argus Observer. All members and interested parties are welcome to attend.
Becoming a Friends Member is Easy !
- Complete a membership registration form. Forms are mailed to members in November, but you can join at any time by:
- downloading a copy here: Membership Form pdf
- or picking up a form at the library.
- Return the form in person or through the mail along with the membership fee, listed on the registration form. You will receive a receipt for your taxes.
- Attend meetings as you wish.
- You may volunteer to help with events and activities as much or as little as you choose.
Meeting Attendance:
Meetings are optional, though all members and interested parties are welcome to attend.
Regular meetings and work sessions are scheduled as needed. Generally, the Fol Board meets 6-7 times per year (September, October, November, February, March, April, and May).
Meetings begin at 4 pm in the library meeting room. Meetings dates and times are published in the Argus Observer, social media/website, and Library flyers.
- Fol President - Christina Del Toro Paulsen
- Fol Vice President - Mary Christensen
- Fol Secretary - Lisa Reeser
- Fol Treasurer - Sheryl Yano
- Fol Membership - Pam Helfrich
Library Representative - Darlyne Johnson, Library Director
All Friends of the Library (Fol) Executive Board Members are elected each year at the October Organization Meeting. The Fol Executive Board may be contacted by :
- Phone: Messages 541-889-6371
- Email Address:
The Executive Board meets in regular meetings and work sessions, as needed 6-7 times per year September, October, November, February, March, April, and May). Meetings convene at 4:00 in the library meeting room. Meetings dates and times are published in the Argus Observer. All members and interested parties are welcome to attend.
Meeting Minutes and Agenda
FoL Board Meeting Minutes May 2024.pdfFoL Board Meeting Minutes April 4 2-24.pdfFOL Board Meeting Minutes Sept 5 2024.pdfFoL Board Meeting Minutes Oct 10 2024.pdfFOL Agenda Nov 2024.pdf
Other Files
Sherry Hironaka- Channel 6 Shine A Light Award
Stuffy Party Pic Collage 10 2024.pdf
Fol accepts donations to help support the Library. All donations go to support programs and give direct assitance to the Library, such as with the purchase of books or computers. Donations are tax deductable.
Donations are also a wonderful way to remember that book lover in your life. It is a profound way to let their legacy live on in the Library for years to come. If you wish to make a donation in honor of or in remembrance of a friend or family member, please include their name so that we may honor them too.
Monetary donation may be made:
- Payable to Friends of OCL
- Please mail or hand-delivered to: Friends of OCL, 388 2nd Ave. Ontario , OR 97914
- You will receive a receipt appropriate for this tax deductible donation.
For questions, please call the library or email:
Keep up with all the news on our Facebook Page