
Currently our library houses over 112,000 items including fiction, non-fiction, audio books, large print books, foreign language materials, DVDs, magazines, newspapers, and is the home of the Malheur County Historical Society book collection. Materials are arriving at the library daily in the form of donations and purchases. Some are new - others are replacing copies that have been lost or damaged, and some are just new to this library.
Please feel free to suggest books, materials and authors to the library. We need and welcome community input in this important process. Please use at the side.
Book Selection Policy and Request.pdfReconsideration of Materials Form.pdfAdult fiction can be found under the mezzanine. Twice a month new and recently released books are placed on the 'New Book' carousel rack near the front counter. These books will remain on the "New Book" rack for 6 months. After this time the books are moved to the regular adult shelves. New adult books may be checked out for 14 days other adult books check out for 21 days.
The adult large print is placed on the east wall behind the study tables and across from the main desk. Both large print fiction and non fiction are shelved here together. There is also a New book shelf for this section near the Adult New Fiction rack.
Adult and young adult audio books are shelved in the west section of the adult fiction area (under the mezzanine) near the DVDs . There is a wide selection of fiction and nonfiction audio books for patrons to choose from.
Adult and young adult nonfiction is shelved upstairs above the adult fiction section. There are two stair cases and an elevator to this section.
Children’s audio books can be found in the juvenile section shelved at the beginning of the Juvenile fiction. These books check out for 21 days. We are currently expanding this section to better support patron needs. Please feel free to make suggestions of possible titles for this or any section of the library.
The children's section of the library is in the northwest corner of the building and contains books geared for children ages 0 to 12. Juvenile new books are currently being placed directly on the shelves in the children's section. These books check out for 21 days and holds may be placed as needed.
The Library uses Overdrive/Library2Go and Libby Apps. Click here for more information.
The Library has a nice selection of Adult and Children’s Spanish books, in both fiction and nonfiction. We also have a number of bilingual books in the children’s area. Adult Spanish (fiction and nonfiction) can be found upstairs in the southwest corner of the adult nonfiction area near the elevator doors. The Children’s Spanish (fiction and nonfiction) is in the northeast corner of the children section.
Young adult or teen fiction is located on the adult side of the library by the audio books and DVDs. All young adult books are labeled with a 'Y' and a red 'young adult sticker. When these books are new they are placed on the shelf by the young adult fiction section and check out for 14 days.