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Winter Reading Sign-up

All Registration is open !

Regestration lasts :January 8th - February 24

Participant must be a patron of the Ontario Community Library and registered in person at the library or online here.  After filling out the form please print the reading program ticket forms under the approprate age group.

Parent/Guardian if your child does not have a card of their own , please use your personal /family card to sign them up for the reading program
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Children 0 to 12 years of age 
FORM WR25 All Ages.pdf


Instructions  Children (0 to 12) 

  • Each reading ticket is worth 4 hours of reading or listening and is good for a chance to win a basket on display at the library.  Each little box is worth 30 minutes of reading/listening.  Complete all 8 boxes to use the ticket.
  • Each activity ticket is good for a chance to win a basket on display at the library. Complete the activity on the ticket with parents/guardians/caregiver supervision to use the ticket.
  • Reading material must be at the participants reading level and may come from books, audiobooks, eBooks and (complete) magazines. There are no limits to the number of hours read/activities done and tickets put in for the drawings by each participant. More reading/activity tickets are available at the library.
  • After finishing eligible reading material or activity, please complete the raffle ticket. Ticket must be legible, phone number current, and age circled. Please Note: If library is unable to reach the winner a new winner will be drawn.  
  • Turn tickets in at the Ontario Community Library, the Bookmobile, or place in an envelope and put in Book Drop.
  • Multiple prize baskets are available to choose from. Go for your favorite or scatter your tickets among all the baskets. Please Note: Prize baskets are on display at the library and at
    One prize per age group is available. Prize baskets for all contests are advertised at the libraries and online here:  
  • NOTE:   Individuals who wish to keep reading after finishing the first page of tickets, will be given a new sheet at the library. There is no limit to how many tickets a child can put in as long as all reading/listening/activity is completed for each ticket.

Please Note: All tickets must be turned in by Feb. 27 by 5 pm.  Winners will be announced on Feb. 28 at 11 am, at the Winter Reading final event.  All Prizes must be picked up (or arrangements made) by 4 pm March 8 or new winners will be chosen. 

For more information or questions on this Program please call your home library at:  Ontario Community Library at 541-889-6371 

 Program is sponsored by:  The Ontario Community Library, The Friends of Ontario Library,  and the Oregon State Ready to Read Grant. 

Adults and Teens (13 and up) 
FORM WR25 All Ages.pdf

Instructions : Adults and Teens 13+

  • For each book read or activity completed, participants will receive one raffle ticket.  That raffle ticket will go in one of the buckets for a chance to win a prize at the end of the program.  
  • Reading material must be at the participants reading level and may come from books, audiobooks, eBooks and (complete) magazines. There are no limits to the number of books read/activities done and tickets put in for the drawings by each participant. More reading/activity tickets are available at the library.
  • After finishing eligible reading material or activity, please complete the raffle ticket. Ticket must be legible, phone number current, and age circled. Please Note: If the library is unable to reach the winner a new winner will be drawn.  
  • Turn tickets in at the Ontario Community Library, the Bookmobile, or place them in an envelope and put in Book Drop. 
  • Multiple prize baskets are available to choose from. Go for your favorite or scatter your tickets among all the baskets. Please Note: Prize baskets are on display at the library and at

Please Note: All tickets must be turned in by Feb. 27 by 5 pm.  Winners will be announced on Feb. 28 at 11 am, at the Winter Reading final event.  All Prizes must be picked up (or arrangements made) by 4 pm March 8 or new winners will be chosen. 

For more information or questions, please call your home library at:  Ontario Community Library at 541-889-6371

Program is sponsored by:    The Ontario Community Library, The Friends of Ontario Library, and the Oregon State Ready to Read Grant. 

Please Note:  All tickets must be turned in by Feb. 27 by 5 pm.  Winners will be announced on Feb. 28 at 11 am, at the Winter Reading final event.  All Prizes must be picked up (or arrangements made) by 4 pm March 8 or new winners will be chosen.

For more information please call the your home library at: Ontario Community Library at 541-889-6371

This program is sponsored by:    The Ontario Community Library, The Friends of Ontario Library, and the Oregon State Ready to Read Grant. 

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