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Library Material Selection Policy 

Ontario Library District/Ontario Community Library Material Selection Policy 

The Ontario Library District (Ontario Community Library) enriches lives by fostering diverse opportunities for all people to read, learn and connect.

The Library desires to serve all individuals and groups without discrimination. Provision is made for access to books, periodicals, printed material, audio-visual and electronic information, --for the general educational advancement, work assistance, enrichment, and recreation of its patrons.  Material acquired will measure up to a high standard of quality in content, expression, and format. Patron requests for additions will be considered with regard to anticipated value and level of public interest.  The quality of all said materials will be judged on its content as a whole. Individual passages, illustrations, in whatever format of medium, when take out of context or purpose, are not considered adequate reason for either non-inclusion or removal of and item.
To suggest materials, individuals may use the online link or contact the library directly by phone, mail or in person during open hours.

 Material Selection Factors/Criteria 

  •  Juvenile books are carefully selected for children of all ages and abilities.  Each title is reviewed, with emphasis being placed on quality materials which supply factually information, provide reading enjoyment, stimulate the imagination, promote comprehensive growth and learning and developing a taste for excellent art and literature.
  •  Young Adult books are selected with aim of helping teens find self-realization, live-useful, well-adjusted lives in the community, and know and understand the world at large.  These are chosen to broaden adolescents’ thinking, to enrich their lives and to help them fill their recreational and emotional needs.
  • When choosing adult books, the Library recognizes its obligation as a public institution to maintain a comprehensive, balanced, accessible collection for a large group of people with varied backgrounds, reading tastes, interests and purposes.
  • Please Note:  the novel is recognized as a form of literature which recreates the life and cultures of the past, portrays the realities of the present, or constructs possible worlds of the future.  Incidents and language of the fictional material, should be in keeping with the social, moral, and emotional background of the characters and setting.  Preferred presentation of such stories would be dignity, sincerity, and restraint.  However, serious adults works which attempt to present an honest phase of life are not necessarily excluded because of language, frankness, sexually explicit passages or because objections by staff, trustees, or the public. The quality of all such material will be judged on its content as a whole. Individual passages or illustrations, in whatever format or medium, when taken out of context or purpose, are not considered adequate reason for either non- inclusion or removal of an item.
  • Other factors considered when selecting books and materials for the library Collection:
    • Collection objectives
    • Present collection composition 
    • Current or historical significance of author or subject
    • Timeliness
    • Public interest
    • Level of demand
    • Audience for material
    • Community relevance
    • Diversity of viewpoint
    • Effective expression
    • The nature of the media and the technical quality of production 
    • Book and movie reviews
    • Public suggestion
Book/Material Suggestion

Please feel free to suggest books, materials and authors to the library. We need and welcome community input in this important process. To suggest materials, individuals may use the online link on the library website or contact the library directly by phone, mail or in person during open hours.    Make Suggestion.

Book Selection Policy and Request.pdf


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