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Library Material Reconsideration Policy

Ontario Library District/Ontario Community Library Material Reconsideration Policy

The Library’s goal is to be as objective as possible regarding selection of materials, without exerting undue influence dot to personal beliefs. Strong effort is and will be made to ensure that all sides of controversial issues are represented, while adding both value and balance to the library collections.  We realize that in order for a collection to broad-minded, there is a possibility that available information may be regarded as unpleasant, offensive, or in opposition to religious, political, cultural, or other personal beliefs.  However, if the Ontario Library District (Ontario Community Library) is to provide balanced access of information to all patrons, that information must include opposing points of view.

The Library Board and Director maintain the position that, while anyone is free to personally reject materials of which they do not approve, it is not appropriate for persons to attempt to restrict the freedom of use and access to other than their own minor children. Furthermore, the responsibility for the reading and use of library materials by minors belongs Ultimately and completely with their parents or legal guardians.

In taking this stand, the Library Board and Director are, in effect, upholding the right off each individual to be protected against censorship by someone who holds a differing opinion.

Since it is humanly possible to make errors in applying the principles stated above, the Library Board and Direct stand ready to review decisions, and listen to objections, upon written request.

The Library Board and Staff take patron complaints seriously.  All forms are turned over to the Library Director and Board and will be reviewed at the next available Board Meeting. After the Library Board has Reviewed your request, you will be notified and given the opportunity to discuss this at a scheduled Library Board Meeting. Thank-you for your concern and input. Patrons are an important part of the library process.

Information required to Request Reconsideration of Materials:

  • Type of material
  • Title, Author/Creator, Publisher, Copyright Date
  • Brief statement of objections to material.
  • Brief statement of actions you would like to see regarding this material.
  • Your name, address, phone number and email.
  • Date 

Please stop by the library to obtain a form or speak with the Director. 

Reconsideration of Materials Form.pdf
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